Lately I've been craving to play Invoker in Dota2, the combo of tornado following by the huge meat ball and deafening blast keep repeating in my head, so, I install Dota2 once again and I don't know how many times I have been re-install Dota2 when its in glory days, back then I rage quitting a lot you know. Dota2 today was different, a whole lot different, the map got bigger and more importantly Invoker just...changed, I don't understand the talents tree, what item I need to build and eventually my head fried, 1 match is enough then imma uninstalll it again. One thing that doesn't change though, the toxicity lol. So here I am, create small game that mimic Invoker mechanics, Inpucker.
Still early I just made it in 2 hours using Godot 4.3, although weirdly enough Godot seems crashes a lot lately, anyway it is still the best game engine I know.
You can look at the source from Github (everything in that repo is MIT License) I plan to upload the game also on, maybe later when the game already show some progress.